; [UltraAwaySystem] ; by ch1zra ; ch1zra@gmail.com ; http://ch1zra.com/mirc/ ; #Scripters @ irc.krstarica.com ; #Hawkee.com @ irc.undernet.org ; Copyright © Up The Irons ! inc. Scripting Team ; All command line... It has options to go autoaway (and choose the autoaway time), ; to say that you're away (and to choose delay for that), and to modify your Away tag. ; It uses mIRC's alias for away, so usage is : "/away reason" to go away with some reason, ; "/away" to come back, and "/setupaway" to configure it. :] on 1:load: { if ($version > 6.0) { echo -s  $+ $color(info) $+ [UltraAwaySystem] by ch1zra succesfully loaded echo -s  $+ $color(info) $+ [UltraAwaySystem] 4ch1zra@gmail.com echo -s  $+ $color(info) $+ [UltraAwaySystem] Now please take some time to setup the Ultra Away System. echo -s  $+ $color(info) $+ [UltraAwaySystem] If you eer want to dify the settings, just type 4/setupaway setupaway } else { echo Version 6.0 or higher required, get a newer version of mirc at http://www.mirc.com/get.html  unload -rs $script } } on *:input:*: { if ($away == $false) && ($readini(AwaySystem.ini,Settings,AutoAway) == 1) { %%awch1zraAT = $calc($readini(AwaySystem.ini,Settings,AutoAwayTime) * 60) .timerAutoAway $+ $network -i 1 %%awch1zraAT autoaway } if (/away == $1) { if ($2- == $null) { nick $remove($me,$readini(AwaySystem.ini,Settings,Tag)) var %at $duration($calc($ctime - %awch1zratimw)) ame is [back] from : $chr(91)  $+ %awch1zrar $+  $chr(93) after $chr(91)  $+ %at $+  $chr(93) if ($timer(ch1away $+ $network)) .timerch1away $+ $network off unset %awch1zra* } else { %awch1zrar = $2- %awch1zranick = $me %awch1zratimw = $ctime nick $me $+ $readini(AwaySystem.ini,Settings,Tag) ame is away. Reason : 4 $+ %awch1zrar if ($readini(AwaySystem.ini,Settings,SayEvery) == 1) { %tme = $calc($readini(AwaySystem.ini,Settings,SayEveryTime) * 60) .timerch1away $+ $network -i 0 %tme ame is AwaY. [Reason] : 4 $+ %awch1zrar } } } } on *:OPEN:?:*: { if ($away == $true) { notice $nick -[ Automated msg ]- I'm AwaY... sorry... } } alias setupaway { var %tag $$input(Enter AwaY TAG,e,Away Tag) if (%tag != $null) { writeini AwaySystem.ini Settings Tag %tag echo -s [UltraAwaySystem] Tag set to $+ $color(info) %tag $+ . } if ($$input(Do you want do enable auto away ?,y,AutoAway) == $true) { writeini AwaySystem.ini Settings AutoAway 1 echo -s [UltraAwaySystem] AutoAWay $+ $color(info) Enabled. var %at $$input(Enter time in minutes for auto away?,e,AutoAway Time) if (%at isnum) { writeini AwaySystem.ini Settings AutoAwayTime %at echo -s [UltraAwaySystem] AutoAway Time Set to $+ $color(info) %at minute(s). } else { echo -s  $+ $color(info) $+ [UltraAwaySystem] AutoAway Time not set ! Run Setup again and enter pure numeric value ! return } } else writeini AwaySystem.ini Settings AutoAway 0 if ($$input(Enable Say Every X minutes your away status?,y,Say Every Setup) == $true) { writeini AwaySystem.ini Settings SayEvery 1 var %st $$input(Enter time in minutes for Say Every,e,SayEvery Time) if (%st isnum) { writeini AwaySystem.ini Settings SayEveryTime %st echo -s [UltraAwaySystem] AutoAway Time Set to $+ $color(info) %st minute(s). } else { echo -s  $+ $color(info) $+ [UltraAwaySystem] AutoAway Time not set ! Run Setup again and enter pure numeric value ! return } } else writeini AwaySystem.ini Settings SayEvery 0 echo -s  $+ $color(info) $+ [UltraAwaySystem] Setup Completed. } alias -l autoaway { away AutO AwaY after $duration(%%awch1zraAT) %awch1zrar = AutO AwaY after $duration(%%awch1zraAT) %awch1zranick = $me %awch1zratimw = $ctime nick $me $+ $readini(AwaySystem.ini,Settings,Tag) ame is away. Reason : 4 $+ %awch1zrar if ($readini(AwaySystem.ini,Settings,SayEvery) == 1) { var %tme $calc($readini(AwaySystem.ini,Settings,SayEveryTime) * 60) .timerch1away $+ $network -i 0 %tme ame is AwaY. [Reason] : 4 $+ %awch1zrar } } menu menubar { UltraAwaySystem .Setup:setupaway .Unload ..Yes I'm sure:echo -s  $+ $color(info) $+ [UltraAwaySystem] Unloaded... | unload -rs $script | .remove AwaySystem.ini }