; Timer Manager v1.03 ; by ch1zra ; ch1zra@gmail.com ; http://ch1zra.com/mirc/ ; #Scripters @ irc.krstarica.com ; Copyright © Up The Irons ! inc. ; ---]> Aliases ; this one improves the mIRC's /timers command. ; it gives a nice, in dialog view of all active timers, ; with their interval, number of repeatings, and option to ; stop any of them. alias Timers { if ($dialog(TimerManager)) { dialog -vea TimerManager TimerManager } else { dialog -mdo TimerManager TimerManager } } alias timerlist { did -r $dname 5,7 did -r timermanager 3 var %i 1 while (%i <= $timer(0)) { did -a timermanager 3 $timer(%i) inc %i } } alias -l timer.about { dialog -i TimerManager TimerManager if ($input(TimerManager v1.0b $crlf $crlf by ch1zra $crlf $crlf http://www.uptheirons.co.sr/ $crlf ch1zra@gmail.com $crlf $& #Scripters @ irc.krstarica.com $crlf #Hawkee.com @ irc.undernet.org $crlf $crlf Copyright © Up The Irons ! inc. Scripting $& Team,oi,About Timer Manager) == $true) { dialog -e TimerManager TimerManager } } ; ---]> Dialog dialog TimerManager { title "Timer Manager v1.0b by ch1zra" size -1 -1 135 110 option dbu box "/Timers", 1, 5 5 125 85 text "Timer Name :", 2, 10 15 65 10 list 3, 10 25 45 60, sort size vsbar text "Command : ", 4, 59 25 65 8 edit "", 5, 60 35 65 10, read autohs text "Interval / Repetitions :", 6, 60 50 65 8 edit "", 7, 60 60 65 10, read autohs button "Stop", 8, 60 75 30 10, flat button "Refresh", 9, 95 75 30 10, flat button "About", 10, 5 95 35 10, flat button "Help", 11, 50 95 35 10, flat button "Close", 12, 95 95 35 10, flat ok } ; ---]> On Init and Close on *:dialog:timermanager:init:*: { timerlist } ; ---]> Sclicks on *:dialog:TimerManager:sclick:*: { if ($did == 3) { did -r $dname 5,7 if ($did(3).seltext != $null) { did -a $dname 5 $timer($did(3).seltext).com var %rps $timer($did(3).seltext).reps if (%rps == 0) { did -a $dname 7 Forever / $duration($timer($did(3).seltext).delay) } else { did -a $dname 7 $timer($did(3).seltext).reps time(s) / $duration($timer($did(3).seltext).delay) } } } if ($did == 8) { if ($did(3).seltext != $null) { .timer $+ $did(3).seltext off echo -a  $+ $color(info) $+ *** Timer  $+ $color(highligt) $+  $+ $did(3).seltext $+   $+ $color(info) $+ Turned oFF } else { echo -a  $+ $color(info) $+ *** Timer Manager : You Must Select a Timer from List ! } timerlist } if ($did == 9) { timerlist } if ($did == 10) { timer.about } if ($did == 11) { dialog -i TimerManager TimerManager help /timer } }