; Quick ASCII Table ; ; by ch1zra ; ch1zra@gmail.com ; http://ch1zra.com/mirc/ ; #Scripters @ irc.krstarica.com ; Copyright İ 2005 Up The Irons ! inc. Scripting team ; --------------------------------------------------- ; Blah.. just paste this in remotes, and you'll see a new item "ASCII Table" ; in menus. Click that or type "/ascii" (without the "").This will open a simple ; dialog that displays all 256 chars with their ASCII code. Then just find ; character you need, and doubleclick on it. It will be sent in your clipboard. alias ASCII { if ($dialog(ASCII_chars)) { dialog -voea ASCII_chars ASCII_chars } else { dialog -moda ASCII_chars ASCII_chars } } dialog ASCII_chars { title "ASCII Table by ch1zra" size -1 -1 105 90 option dbu list 1, 5 5 40 65, size text "Doubleclick wanted character to send it to clipboard.",2,50 5 50 30, center text "ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ", 3, 50 30 50 30, center text "I made this just for quick help with $chr()'s. Someone might find it usefull.", 4, 50 35 50 30, center link "http://uptheirons.co.sr/", 5, 40 75 60 10 button "Close", 6, 5 75 30 10, ok flat } on *:dialog:ASCII_chars:init:*: { var %i 1 while (%i <= 250) { did -a ASCII_chars 1 $chr(%i) = %i inc %i } } on *:dialog:ASCII_chars:dclick:*: { if ($did == 1) { clipboard $left($did(1).seltext,1) } if ($did == 4) { ascii_refresh } if ($did == 5) { .Run http://uptheirons.co.sr/ } } menu * { ASCII Table:ASCII } ; EOF - ch1zra