; Basic Chan Prots ; by ch1zra ; ch1zra@gmail.com ; http://ch1zra.com/mirc/ ; #Scripters @ irc.krstarica.com ; Copyright © 2005 Up The Irons ! inc. Scripting team on *:text:*:#: { set %t $0 var %i 1 var %txt $1- if (%t > 100) { ; number 100 is number of max words per line, it can be edited. kick $chan $nick Max words per line in this chan is 100, you had %t words... } if ($len($1-) > 500) { ; number 500 is number of max characters per line, adjust it to suit you. kick $chan $nick Max length per line in this chan is 500 characters,you had $len($1-) characters... } while (%i <= %t) { if (#* iswm $gettok(%txt,%i,32)) && ($len($gettok(%txt,%i,32)) >= 2) { kick $chan $nick No channel advertising -[ $+ $gettok(%txt,%i,32) $+ ]- ; Here it says what word was detected as channel name. } inc %i } }