; AntiVirus $script v1.03 ; by ch1zra ; ch1zra@gmail.com ; http://ch1zra.com/mirc/ ; #Scripters @ irc.krstarica.com ; Copyright © 2005 Up The Irons ! inc. Scripting team ; How to load ?? ; Just paste this in your remotes. It protects you (if enabled) from currently spreading ; virus (the DO YOU WANNA BE AN OP one...). So this protets you from msgs that contain ; string "$decode" (without the quotes). ; It can be enabled or disabled. ; Update to v1.03 ; Added virus scan... on *:load: { echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ by ch1zra (4ch1zra@gmail.com // 4 $+ http://uptheirons.co.sr/ $+ )  $+ $color(info) $+ succesfully loaded. echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ protects you from potentionaly dangerous messages by preventing them from being displayed (if Enabled). } on *:unload: { echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Script is now unloaded, but files are still present. echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ If you want to delete them, you'll have to do it yourself. echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Files are located in :4 $scriptdir } on *:start: { if (!%virus_warn) { if ($isfile(AntiVirus.dat) == $true) && ($lines($scriptdirAntiVirus.dat) != $null) { set %virus_warn $lines($scriptdirAntiVirus.dat) } else { set %virus_warn 0 } } } alias virus { if ($1 == $null) { echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ You must enter a number of record that you want to see. echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Number of records so far is :4 $lines($scriptdirAntiVirus.dat) $+ . return } if ($1 !isnum) { echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Value you entered is not a number. return } if ($1 > $lines($scriptdirAntiVirus.dat)) { echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ There are not that much threats recorded. echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Number of records so far is :4 $lines($scriptdirAntiVirus.dat) $+ . return } if ($isfile($scriptdirAntiVirus.dat) != $true) { echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ There are no records of threat so far. return } echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Potentionaly dangerous msg num :4 $1 echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus] $read($scriptdirAntiVirus.dat,n,$1) } alias virus.scan { echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Scaning for DO YOU WANNA BE AN OP virus... var %sn 1 while (%sn <= $script(0)) { echo -s 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Scaning :4 $script(%sn) if ($nopath($script(%sn)) == $chr(160)) && ($lines($nopath($script(%sn))) == 1) && (*#Manila* iswm $read($nopath($script(%sn)))) { echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Found infected script ! echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Removing and unoading... .remove $nopath($script(%sn)) .unload -rs $nopath($script(%sn)) var %virus.found 1 } inc %sn } echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ *** if (%virus.found) { echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Scanning finished. You 4WERE  $+ $color(info) $+ infected with DO YOU WANNA BE AN OP virus. echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Your mIRC is now clean. } else { echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Scanning finished. You 4ARE NOT  $+ $color(info) $+ infected with DO YOU WANNA BE AN OP virus. echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Your mIRC is clean. } } alias virus.about { echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ is written by ch1zra (4ch1zra@gmail.com // 4 $+ http://uptheirons.co.sr/ $+ ) echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ protects you from potentionaly dangerous messages by preventing them from being displayed. } #AntiVirus on on ^*:text:*:*: { if (*$decode* iswm $1-) { if (!%virus_warn) { set %virus_warn 0 } if (%virus_warn > $lines($scriptdirAntiVirus.dat)) { set %virus_warn $lines($scriptdirAntiVirus.dat) } inc %virus_warn echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Prevented a potentionaly dangerous msg from being displayed. write $scriptdirAntiVirus.dat 4 $+ $nick said : $1- echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Msg was sent by 4 $+ $nick $+ . echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ If you want to see the msg, type 4/virus %virus_warn haltdef } } #AntiVirus end menu menubar,channel,query,status { - AntiVirus .Scan for Virus:virus.scan .Read last record:echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus] $read($scriptdirAntiVirus.dat,n,$lines($scriptdirAntiVirus.dat)) - } menu menubar { AntiVirus .$iif($group(#AntiVirus) == on,Disable AntiVirus):.disable #AntiVirus | echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Disabled. .$iif($group(#AntiVirus) == off,Enable AntiVirus):.enable #AntiVirus | echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Enabled. .- .About:virus.about .Unload Antivirus ..Yes, I'm sure:echo -a 0,1[4A0nti4V0irus]  $+ $color(info) $+ Unloaded. bye :] | .unload -rs $script - } ; EOF - ch1zra